Salmon Favorelle bantam and large fowl

In November 2023 we picked up a few Bantam Salmon Favorelles at the Ohio Nationals and look forward to raising them! 

We will be adding a few standard size girls in March 2024 and hope to be able to share these amazing birds in 2025.

In January 2025 we added 2 large fowl pullets from Daniel Kuyoth and look forward to working with them. 

We are thoroughly enjoying getting to know this breed, they are so funny, have gentle dispositions and have been great layers as young birds. We were shocked at the amount of eggs we got at 6 months of age. While those eggs are not great for incubating...(too young) they are great to eat! The bantam egg size is comparable to an egg from standard or large fowl poultry. 

We also added 2 bantam Favorelle cockerels from Dan River Poultry ( 1 frizzle 1 smooth) and a few growouts. 

Created in France and imported to America in the early 1900's, Favorelles are a dual purpose breed meaning they have been bred to be used for meat and eggs. 

Known to be a friendly breed, they are ideal for families. 

 Favorelles are listed on the Livestock Conservancys list of poultry in need of help.

A few pictures of our growing Favorelle flock.