
 Watermaal are a breed we started raising after seeing them in another breeders flock. We got chicks from them along with a few adults and have enjoyed them ever since. 

There are many different colors in the works by some wonderful breeders. Our colors we are currently working on are:  White, Black, Blue and Buff which are all accepted varieties. We have a cuckoo project and a chocolate project going as well. ( These 2 colors are not currently accepted colors with the ABA/APA, but you can technically show anything under NSV or non standard variety. I always love seeing something new at a show. ) Our Cuckoo line is a new project that finally produced cuckoo with Watermaal characteristics this year (2023). Project lines take a  few years to get in to a true breed form, we are proud of our first years offspring. There are a few other color projects in the works here, but we are waiting to see what comes out of our first few hatches. Can't wait to share those with others! 

Because these particular lines ( American lines not imported from Over seas) are still a very new sets of lines, there are still kinks. Sometimes you may not have a perfect comb, or a bird may have a random blue egg. Most breeders are still working out the kinks, but those things are to be expected when creating new colors or lines. Bantam Ameraucanas and old English are common breeds used to make or move a color into another bantam breed. Some black lines may throw a recessive white, or a recessive white bird may throw a recessive black. All to be expected. I always ask my customers what they're preference is, when I have an oddball egg layer, like say blue. If they want it great, ( I can't tell you how many people request a bantam blue egg layer...but it's alot.) if not they get the standard colors. Not everyone is a breeder and some people just want pets that represent the breed. 

There are plans to get some project colors accepted by 2030. It is easier to get colors accepted thru the ABA and then grandfathered in during APA acceptance. If you would like to help or join in the shaping of this breed, join us at the Watermaal club of America. The club website is: https://watermaal.weebly.com/

There are changes to the watermaal standard being proposed and club members are voting on those changes. We would love as many people to join us and help us shape this beautiful breed.

We are always happy to share our projects with those who would like to take on a project and collaborate. A breed project can jump ahead much faster when more people are working toward a common goal than one single person. More people breeding to standard helps the breed. 

Below are a few pictures from our groups.