Ameraucanas were accepted as a Breed in May 1980 making them a relatively new breed compared to heritage breeds that go back to forefather bred birds and those brought over from Europe and other countries. There are hatcheries that sell Americanas which are not a breed but a mixed bird that can lay a variety of colored eggs from a pink color to blue and olive green. Ameraucanas are a breed that has a muff or beard and lays a blue egg. We hope to get birds to SOP as we work with them over time.
Note: We are always happy to share our projects with those who would like to take on a project and collaborate. A breed project can jump ahead much faster when more people are working toward a common goal than one single person.
We are members of the 2 breed clubs for Ameraucana in no particular order, both have alot to offer potential members:
All pens are seperated by color.
Buff Ameraucana:
A beautiful golden color that we currently have in large fowl and hope to move into a bantam line. Bantams will not be available until at least 2025.
*Original breeder ( Original Breeder Credit simply means these are who I got birds from, and what my lines are made up of. The actual birds do not represent the breeder(s) as I made my own breeding decisions. )
*Hens we hatched from DragonFly Farm Lines and Rooster we hatched from Tarbox Hollow lines.
We currently have both Bantam and Large fowl Ameraucanas. While we focus on bantams we do love the look of large fowls Ameraucana.
Currently we have Ermine and chocolate project Ameraucana large fowl projects we are working on and hope to shift those into bantams. We also have Buff large fowl we hope to shift into a bantam line. All of the bantam lines are in progress, but not available yet.*
Chocolate Ameraucana Project line:
We love the Dark brown color of the chocolate Ameraucanas we hatched in 2022. We plan to do sex linked pens and create a cuckoo version of the chocolates. They should lay blue eggs, we are currently waiting on our first eggs from these beautiful birds. This will be a multi year project to get them up to SOP, and we are happy with our starters.
Original breeders hatched by us From shipped hatching eggs. No information given
Project Ermine Ameraucanas:
Ermine Ameraucanas are a project bird started by Becky Pelton and now have a group working toward ABA/APA acceptance. A bantam version is also in the works by multiple breeders. They lay beautiful blue eggs like other Ameraucana lines and we are excited to take on Ermine's and help toward acceptance. They will be bred toward the standard of perfection and we hope others will join us in breeding this beautiful pattern. Ermine is not the same as mottled as there are mottled lines of Ameraucana.
*Our pen is setup with an Ermine rooster over Ermine and black Ameraucana hens.
Note: we are happy to share our projects birds as the more people working toward breeding to the same goal moves a project faster than any single person working alone. We are happy to talk about how to breed this very specific color.
Original Breeders: One rooster and pullet hatched here by us, from Leigh Schilling Edwards lines 2022
Blue Bantam Ameraucanas:
Blue is a wonderful color on a bird, a light blue color with a darker lacing in the feathers sets this color apart. The Blue gene color is often referred to as Blue/Black/Splash or bbs and offspring have the potential of being any of these 3 colors. Like their large fowl cousin, they lay blue eggs. Chatty at times and curious are their personality traits and make them a fun addition to any flock.
Bantam Splash Ameraucana
We are very happy with the Splash we have produced out of our blues. We have moved the Splash to their own pen to make Splash only breeding.
Lastest project color: Cuckoo in black 2024. This project is under way and should have some nice results.
Ameraucana Bantams and Standard