Hatching Egg Orders

Hatching Egg orders:

Hatching eggs can be shipped to you. They will come double boxed, each egg wrapped in bubble wrap and nestled into fine shavings. We have found this to be the best way to ship hatching eggs for good hatch rates. While we can't guarantee every egg to hatch, we try to give every egg a chance. 

We only ship eggs when we are hatching so that we know eggs are coming out of that pen fertilized as much as possible. 

Local pick up:

Local pickup is an option and I'm happy to work with anyone on that. Local pick up is cash only since a few bad apples ruined that for others. 

We consider all our hatching egg orders to be pre-orders, we do not collect eggs then post to sell. All eggs are collected fresh just for your order. Orders are sent in the order they are received. All orders are dependent on the hens, naturally. We strive to make every order successful. We have had wonderful hatch rates with our shipped eggs, our ebay feedback reflects that and can be found in the ebay shop profile. All prices on this site include the shipping and handling cost for hatching eggs.

Feel free to email: support@redroofhens.org and ask any questions. We do not always have the same products on both platforms, so it is safe to say check both for changes in inventory. Available started birds (young birds 8 weeks to 12 weeks) and Adult birds ( 6 months and older) are often posted on our social media account on Facebook and here on the website. 

Chicks and growouts: 

I almost never sell baby chicks. Bantams are hard to hatch and grow out compared to large fowl chicks. They have more specific needs. 

Prices start at $15 dollars per young bird and go up depending on breed, quality ( pet quality, breeder quailty, show potential) and age. 

Please reach out and let us know what you are looking for in your birds. IE pets, to show etc. 

Shipping is of course not included. We can recommend several chicken transport services, which I prefer if you're wanting live birds. The birds are less stressed with transport versus shipping thru USPS. 

Project birds are discounted, since they are projects and there is no way to guarantee what the outcome will be if you breed them. It takes some research and understanding of poultry genetics and even then the genes don't always behave the way predicted. For this reason, I believe projects should be cheaper. 

All birds are gone over together with you before you leave, this way we can both see the health of the bird when you pick it up and so you can learn the Standard of Perfection that we breed towards and what we are looking for as we breed. All breeders should have goals they are working toward in their lines. 

Live chick orders:

I have found this is the best way for us to do a waitlist. I get multuple messages a day and over time, they get lost. 

With this, I'm able to open a page and see all the requests on one page and in order they're received. 

Breed information can be found on the individual breed pages. Not all colors will be avaliable,  but I will try my best to accommodate. 

All pens are color/pattern seperate unless otherwise noted. Note about project colors, project can mean 2 things: 1 its not an accepted color/pattern with the ABA/APA or 2: its a color/pattern still in development. Im very open to people about what they are getting. For projects in development, because they are in development, there will be faults ( for example: unwanted things like feathered feet in a non feathered foot breed, a straight comb in a rosecomb breed etc) faults do not hurt a pet quality bird and are only an issue if you plan to breed but don't want to work on breeding out the faults yourself (essentially working on your own line) or plan to show. I am very open about where my starts come from if you want to know or what I am using to work in a project. I am extremely happy to share projects, I thoroughly believe that a group of people collaborating and working toward breeding a project toward the standard is going to get the project moved along much faster than one single person. 

When you checkout ( there's no fee for the waitlist) please put your best contact information, what breed you are looking for and color variety. Please include whether you are wanting hatching eggs, chicks or adults. This allows me to know what eggs to set etc. 

NOTE: Pre purchases get preference in fulfillment. 

Hatching eggs:



Hatching eggs orders: your order may be ready today or 6 weeks from now, it depends on how many orders are in front of you. Once we receive your order we will contact you and let you know what number you are in line. I would advise to pre-order as we have gotten an overwhelming amount of requests and will have to cut off orders at some point. If you have a preference and a back up, I would put that information in the messages. 

Live Chick pre-Orders for bantam breeds.

We hatch monthly and most chick orders go out the first 2 weeks of the next month. As with hatching egg orders we will contact you after your purchase and let you know what number you are in the chick pre-order line. Hatching chicks orders go fast and are in limited quantities. By pre-ordering we know how many eggs to put in the incubator to fill orders and guarantee you your feather babies. 

All chicks are pre-orders, there is such a high demand for chicks and hatching eggs this year, even us small scale people have wailists into the fall currwntly. Pre-ordering allows you to purchase ahead of a hatch. 

We are currently test hatching to check fertility which is looking great. You can also reach out to us to at freerangeeggz@gmail.com to check on availability or to ask questions.  

Our hatching plans this year: 

Large fowl Ameraucanas: all hatching will be toward our projects. A few will be sold if numbers allow. 

Large fowl Hatching eggs will be available in limited quantities.

Bantams: all bantam hatching will be monthly and focusing on seeing what the current parents are producing and offering some chicks as we hatch. We will be growing out birds all year. You can pre order pullets to secure your all girls batch. Pullets are more expensive as they have to be grown out in order to tell what sex they are.

All hatching egg orders are pre-orders. If you would like more than 1 set they will be sent separately as only 1 order fits at a time. We also can not produce more than 1 order at a time.