Local Poultry Shows
Poultry show information: you can find poultry show dates from : https://www.poultryshowcentral.com/
You can search by state or region. I have some ( local to NC) shows listed here, they are shows I have gone to and enjoyed.
Most poultry shows start judging at 9 am. Visitors are welcome, some have a fee they charge at the door ( 5 or 6 dollars usually) if you are not showing.
Coop in times vary and can be found in each individual shows catalog.
Many serve lunch and snacks you can purchase that help support the show or have raffles.
Etiquette: when judges are walking an aisle and judging, stay off the aisle. You can stand on either side and watch, but you are not to interfere with judging.
Interested in showing? There are resources on poultry show central and I am working on a page that goes over information on what we do to condition birds for shows.