Gift certificate 25 dollars
One holiday gift certificate, good for one year on poultry from Red Roof Hens Family Homestead.
Each certificate will be made specifically for the recipient with their name printed on it.
Gift certificates are mailed to you for gifting or can be mailed to the recipient. Tracking number will be provided when shipped. Please allow 2 days for printing when purchasing.
The specifics of the certificates:
Each certificate is good for $100 dollars or worth of poultry, at time of redemption, subject to what is available ( ie unsexed chicks, growouts, pullets or hens of breeds we carry) at Red Roof Hens family homestead. This does not include shipping, transport, or taxes.
Certificate is good for one year and must be physically produced to Red Roof Hens Family Homestead to use. Certificates change year to year, this certificate is from December 2024 and good til Dec 2025.